Monday, December 28, 2009

V for Vendetta is our presentation film which is due on 5'th of January. I haven't watched that film before (when I say that to anyone, they all get shocked and say "Oh come on! How come you don't watch it, I've watched that for 3-4 times". It also happens when I say I haven't watched Titanic either.) I have to admit that I am influenced by the film and really liked it. We will talk about it in our presentation, but briefly I want to mention about some parts of the film that really affects me. One of them is the scene that Evey is being tortured in a cell and finds a note which belongs to a lesbian called Valeria and tells the story of her life. That was really emotional and it is quite surprising that she is imprisoned by V in order to make her not to fear by government. Furthermore, at the end, hundreds of thousands of people walk through the streets with their mask on their head and among these people, the dead people's faces are seen and that scene was also impressive. There are so many points in the film that is worth to talk. I will be examining the film both in my presentation and the interesting points in my blog.


  1. Oh come on Janbek! Howcome.... anyways :) the Titanic thing was very funny. You should watch it (!)

  2. my pink group member!!! you didn't really "enjoy" the film while we were watching it... how do i now?? "sonra izlesek olmaz mı yaaaaaa???" does it sound familiar? :D
    anyway i'm still sweating about that symbols in it.i hope i will overcome that problem easily. c u on tuesday

  3. To 'The high end of low' - I won't be able to give you credit for your comments if I don't know who you are...please identify yourself.
